Healthy Tailgate Fare
Each season seems to come with it’s own special reason to party. Fall is football season, and even if you’re not a football fan, it means tailgate parties. Tailgate foods and drinks though are often high in calories and fat, so how do you still throw a “mean tailgater” , while making the fare healthier? One of the solutions fits right in with tail gating tradition, and that would be grilling meats. Just choose lean cuts of meat and you’ll be grilling healthy. To go with those tasty grilled meats serve big trays of fresh fruits and veggies, with plenty of low fat dipping sauces or even flavored low fat cream cheeses on the side. As far as drinks go, there are numerous low calorie or non-alcoholic ales out there to choose from, and don’t forget sparkling fruit drinks, natural ciders, and water. If you just can’t see a tailgate party without chips, go for the baked variety, which pack the crunch without all the calories. If you go with these healthy alternatives, you’ll be doing yourself and your friends a favor. They probably won’t even realize that they’re eating healthy, but they will notice that you’re serving up some really tasty tailgate goodies.