Mangoes Recalled Over Salmonella & Another Farm Bill Plea
Mangoes Recalled Over Salmonella & Another Farm Bill Plea plus Food Forethought. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
The biggest ag guy in the country is asking for some help. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack urges Congress to pass the Food, Farm and Jobs Bill quickly.
VILSACK: There is a keen desire on the part of those who live, work and raise their families in rural areas and who rely on agriculture, there is a keen desire for Congress to get its work done. They have the time if it’s a priority of House leadership, it can get done, we all know that and I sincerely hope that’s what happens.
At least 6 people in Washington State have become ill after eating Daniella mangoes imported by California-based Splendid Products. They have instigated a recall of 5 lots of mangoes imported from Mexico. The FDA says consumers should not eat the fruit and throw it away, if they have any. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency also recently reported illnesses resulting from the same bacterial strain. U.S. and Canadian retailers have said they will recall or remove Daniella-brand mangoes from stores.
Now with today’s Food Forethought, here’s Lacy Gray.
Today the Labor Day holiday signifies the end of summer to most people and one of the last times they can relax, enjoy time off from work, and celebrate until the winter holidays roll around. Any political gatherings or speeches surrounding Labor Day have been moved to the “back burner” for the most part, unless of course it happens to be an election year. The first Labor Day however, was originally designated as a public exhibition to recognize the strength and spirit of trade and labor organizations. Unless you happen to be a big history buff the direct connection of this holiday to worker strikes, riots, and even deaths in an attempt to bring about better working conditions generally goes unrecognized; but for these very reasons in the late 1880’s emphasis was more on the political, economic, and civil origins of the holiday. So whether your Labor Day celebration this year includes a picnic, boating, or sporting event, pause for a moment to honor the brave, hard working people of our nation’s past who, through their dedication and tenacity, brought about a truly better workplace environment for all of us.
Thanks Lacy. That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.