It’s that time of year again, the fire up the grill for hot dogs and hamburgers time. That also means that all the anti-meat, and hot dog haters come pouring out of the woodwork as well. Get ready for a whole new barrage of articles on “what’s really in your hot dog”, or how “eating meat destroys the environment”. Somehow these article are supposed to make all of us who enjoy consuming hamburgers, or the occasional hot dog, immediately turn vegetarian. Just an FYI, hot dogs have been under attack for decades, but that doesn’t seem to have stopped people from eating and enjoying them. In fact, it’s estimated by the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council that Americans eat 20 billion hot dogs annually. And I don’t believe America’s love affair with the hamburger will be going away any time soon either. Which means, those of us who do enjoy grilling and serving up hamburgers and hot dogs this summer will have to endure a little extra pressure from the “no eating meat” crowd. You have to give anti-meat activists credit though, they’re not anything, if not tenacious. Kind of like a dog with a bone.