Firework Bans
Many areas around the country have banned fireworks this 4th of July season due to horribly dry conditions and wildfires that have happened as a result. Confusingly for many people, these bans are aimed at the private use of fireworks, but do not ban the sale of fireworks. This is due in part to the very real possibility of constitutional challenges to such bans. But these bans are not put in place to cramp anyone’s celebration style or ruin their holiday; they are becoming more and more necessary for community safety and welfare. Those in favor of fireworks contend that if fireworks are used correctly, with common sense safety precautions, then they’re not dangerous. While most people would follow safety precautions, it only takes one not doing so to cause a life changing catastrophe. I have fond memories of shooting fireworks and twirling sparklers as a child, and I would love to be able to share that same experience with my grandchildren, but common sense tells me I need to look at the bigger picture. There are safer options to fireworks that omit flames. Granted they may not be as exciting or make spectacular light displays, but in the long run it’s worth the sacrifice.