Pride & Joy Dairy Farm Walk & Science of Climate Change On-line Presentation Series
This Friday the Pride and Joy Dairy in Granger will be hosting the third in a series of 2012 Farm Walks co-sponsored by the WSU Small Farms Program and Tilth Producers of Washington. The Pride and Joy Dairy is a certified organic farm modeled after New Zealand dairy operations that graze livestock exclusively on pasture. Farm Walk visitors will have the opportunity to hear not only about day to day dairy operations, but about the dairy’s diverse farm programs which include field days, agri-tourism farm stays, and working border collies. To pre-register for Farm Walks visit
COGGER: Climate change has become a critical issue for soil science because of the effects of soil management on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration, and the potential affects of climate change on agriculture.
That was WSU Extension soil scientist Craig Cogger introducing a nine part series of on-line presentations available through Washington State University that in easy-to-understand words and images summarizes the science of climate change and its implications for humans and ecosystems. Each presentation is under ten minutes, and is a narrated slide show in which Cogger discusses such climate issues as current climate change evidence, what science really tells us, responding to climate disruption, climate models, predictions for the future, and climate change expectations.
I’m Lacy Gray and that’s Washington Ag Today on the Northwest Ag Information Network.