Baler-Mounted Hay Moisture Tester

Baler-Mounted Hay Moisture Tester

Susan Allen
Susan Allen

Now both of my boys ended up right out of college with careers in Northwest  agriculture selling sell John Deere combines, tractors  and implements  for the  RDO Company out of  Pendleton and Hermiston, so  yes I own a lot of coffee mugs, dog collars and caps but even if they didn’t sell Deere I would still I give the company credit for developing  innovative products. When Open Range returns I’ tell about one of my new  favorites. Whether you are farming hundreds of acres or like our family just cutting a few acres of hay, knowing the moisture content of is critical when baling. For a nominal investment the Advanced Baler-Mounted Hay Moisture Tester from John Deere will let you test the hay while baling taking the guess work out of whether the crop is too wet or dry. Designed to let the operator make precise  adjustments it’s still easy to operate and I especially like the illuminated  LCD display for night haying. The little gizmo can be set  for type of hay and baling conditions, small square or big round  and recalibrated between bales to ensure accuracy .It updates moisture readings every 3 seconds, In my book this little  Advanced Baler-Mounted Hay Moisture Tester is a neat deal for horse owners like me that are pretty particular about their hay and just  another reminder how precision agriculture and computers are impacting 21st century ranching .  If you want one,you can  contact your  John Deere dealer  better yet one of the Allen boys if you are  near Hermiston or Pendleton. tell them their mom sent you. I’m Susan Allen

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