Paying It Forward With Pizza
It isn’t easy standing up to the pressure that the Humane Society of the United States can put on businesses in pushing their anti-animal agriculture agenda. Just ask Safeway and Denny’s, which have both recently caved to HSUS pressure to purchase products from only companies that provide gestation crate-free pork. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. Domino’s Pizza shareholders have proven that by saying “NO” to the HSUS and standing firm with America’s farmers. Domino’s shareholders rejected a resolution proposed by HSUS last month to require its pork suppliers to stop housing sows in gestation stalls. A Domino’s spokesperson explained that the company relies on animal experts to determine the best way to raise an animal that’s used for food. In a show of appreciation many farm families and agriculture supporters across the United States are participating in an event called “Farmers Paying It Forward with Pizza” this coming weekend. On May 18th - 20th join the pizza party, and when purchasing your pizza from Domino’s leave the manager a thank you card for supporting farmers. Thank you Domino’s. It’s about time some company had the courage to stand up to the HSUS.