Lines Of Communication
Just like with a marriage, the relationship between producers and consumers can deteriorate if the line of communication breaks down. This is why farmers and ranchers have been working to educate the general public about the course their food takes getting from the field to their dinner table. With a large majority of the non-farming public not understanding how a farm truly operates, common misconceptions about agriculture begin to form. Too often those misconceptions are used as political fodder in anti-agriculture campaigning. Farmers and ranchers recognize this, and that’s why they’re reaching out to the public and legislators. An interesting point has came up though in researching ag and consumer communication lines; while consumers want everything from their coffee pots to their entertainment systems to be modern, high tech, and state of the art, they want agriculture to give them the old-fashioned, wholesome food they found on grandma’s table. The challenge for farmers is in how to enlighten consumers on the affordability, abundance, and safety of food supplied by modern agriculture, while doing so in a warm and fuzzy, retro kind of way.