Homeless Backyard Farm Animals

Homeless Backyard Farm Animals

Abandoned cats and dogs have been an issue around the country as long as there have been well, cats and dogs. But now, with the boon of urban homesteading comes an ever increasing number of abandoned “backyard farm animals”. These consist primarily of chickens and goats. Many animal rescue centers have found themselves over ran with these animals that frankly they’re not designed to house; leading to the majority of these animals having to be euthanized. Many cities are overturning decades old ordinances, which banned goats or chickens within city limits, to appease the growing population of urban homesteaders. The urban homesteading movement consists of people wanting to reconnect with nature, grow their own food, and ultimately attain self-sufficiency; definitely a commendable objective. Anyone can be an urban homesteader, but before you make the move to acquire chickens, goats, and all the items needed to go along with them, live with the idea for a while to make sure you truly have the desire, skills, time, and personal fortitude necessary to commit to becoming a member of the urban homesteading movement.

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