Bacon Lovers
I like eating bacon, and I’m not afraid to say it. Apparently, the over four thousand people that attended the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival this past weekend aren’t ashamed to say they love bacon either, even though there were protesters there attending the event who stood outside the “bacon pleasure palace” handing out pamphlets dissing bacon, along with all other processed meats. It’s also interesting to note that not all festival goers were members of the “over fifty” set. There were a large percentage of attendees who were twenty and thirty-somethings. In fact in retaliation, a group of twenty-somethings who had read about protesters’ plans of attending the bacon festival took it upon themselves to don white lab coats and join the event as “members of the pro-bacon Physicians Committee for Ridiculous Meat-eaters”, an obvious pun directed at the anti-meat organization and self-appointed guardians of the average consumer, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. And how did festival goers react to protester pamphlets that warned “bacon can cause rectal cancer”? One attendee said that “the protesters could put their pamphlets where the sun don’t shine”.