Building a Healthy Sandwich
With the new year comes New Year’s resolutions which for most of us by this second week in January are already starting to fade. If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to try and eat healthier and you happen to enjoy sandwiches, there’s help out there that may just satisfy both. Let’s face it, sandwiches are one of those food choices we make when we are in a hurry, and can often get out of hand when it comes to piled on toppings. So, how do you make a sandwich that not only tastes good but is healthy too? Well, there are now several online tool programs to be found on many university extension and outreach websites that will help you determine whether your favorite sandwich toppings are healthy or if you maybe need to rethink an ingredient or two. But whether you’re wanting healthy sandwich tips or just bored with your norm these online tools can help. Besides that, the online sandwich making tools are actually kind of fun. I definitely found my inner Dagwood Bumstead, and for the days when I feel like I can maybe afford an extra calorie or two I have kept those Dagwoodian creations on file for future reference.