Bad Press for Wind Energy

Bad Press for Wind Energy

A recent headline reads that the Fish and Wildlife Service is giving a permit to a central Oregon wind energy company to kill Golden Eagles. This has to be a prime example of sensationalistic journalism at it’s best, or worst as the case may be. Reading further one would find out that the West Butte Wind Power company did not receive a carte blanche permit to slay as many Golden Eagles as they care to. In fact, they are only allowed a total number of three accidental eagle deaths due to wind turbines over a five year time period without paying massive fines, but only as long as the company contributes to conservation efforts for golden eagles. Do birds die from collisions with wind turbines? Yes, as well as from planes, trains, and automobiles, and numerous other obstacles, man-made or otherwise. But you won’t find a lot of people ready to do away with any of these things any time soon. Wind energy gets a lot of bad press, but truth is wind farms offer a natural, clean, and affordable form of renewable energy that is deliverable now with very little impact on the environment; meaning no digging, burning, or extracting anything. 

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