A Gift Of Stewardship
During the month of December the mail box is full of request for donatons and while it is easy to write a check, when we give of ourselves, it seems the gift tatkes on a deeper meaning . I’m Susan Allen and this year in the Spirit of Open Range I would like to share how a couple of individuals not only donated time but left outdoor legacies right after the break. The memory of my grandfather stooped, carefully hammering rough wooden nesting boxes he hoped would attract wood ducks, goldeneyes, mergansers, and buffleheads, all cavity nesting ducks is an image I am reminded of whenever the sky fills with migratory birds. It gives me joy to think that in a small wee way one kind man helped restore their numbers. In another simple act of outdoor stewardship, a call from the BLM to install escape ladders for wildlife inside large stock tanks in remote areas became a memorable activity for a Montana father and daughter this past Thanksgiving morning. Stock tanks attract thirsty animals like birds, lizards, rodents who fall in and without a way to escape as the BLM posted their bulletin “ they become exhausted swimming in circles and drown .” As the team built the simple escape ramp in the stock tank the father explained that keeping animals from dying in the tanks not only saves the critters but keeps the water clean and safe for livestock. My hope is that this Christmas creates generous hearts, I know I for one am thankful for this opportunity to share how two indivuals not only left their mark on our beautiful western wilderness but created a legacy for the next generation.