Happy Awkward Holidays

Happy Awkward Holidays

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


The  Wall Street Journal featured an article called Happy Awkward Holidays’ “A survival guide for the family for the fights and drama” offering tips on how to respond when kids arrive home from college with a new persona, like  when your  “Teen Alien” announces she’s now a “vegan” as Grandpa’s slicing the prime rib? I’m Susan Allen stay tuned for Open Range.  Holidays can be tension filled when kids arrive from college exerting their new found independence.  Given that it’s vogue now at universities to be vegan those of us who are proud of our ranching heritage would be wise to prepare for topics like hormones, and antibiotic in meat, typically right when Aunt June asks for medium rare.   As a ranching advocate I’ve found Ann Burkholders' web site, Feed Yard Foodie feedyardfoodie.wordpress.com/about/provides great ammunition to debunk the meat myths espoused by liberal colleges.  Our teen aliens should give Ann more credibility then the folks when she says the Prime Rib doesn’t contain any antibiotic residue because cattle are thoroughly tested and it would be illegal.  They might think she's cool knowing that two days after Ann graduated from Dartmouth ( they’ll love that ) she went to work  for her first 'real  job' in a feed yard. Ann presents sensitive subjects with intelligence and passion saying that “right from the beginning she found tremendous satisfaction knowing she was not only working hard to care for animals, but literally ‘feeding the world’, again, sure to appeal to the I'm out to change the world"set.   So when your token  vegan arrives for  Christmas with baggage about the beef industry don’t argue just tell her to friend Feed Yard Foodie on facebook! 
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