Vicious Circle
The United States Postal Service has been warning customers over the last several months of impending closures of roughly two hundred and fifty mail processing centers across the country, along with drastic cuts to first class mail delivery starting this next spring. No longer just a threat, cuts and closures are now being finalized and the impact they will have will be great, but like a great old song once said, most of us won’t know what we had till it’s gone. Those in rural areas though are a different story all together; the loss of post offices in these areas will be felt immediately, and create a very real and serious hardship; especially for seniors who rarely use the internet to pay bills and will have to travel great distances to get their mail. Ultimately, these drastic changes by the postal service will more than likely do more harm to the agency than good. Rather like cutting off their noses to spite their faces, moves to lower customer service by the U.S. Postal Service while raising prices will only push more people to use alternative options when it comes to letter writing, bill paying, and product ordering. That’s pretty much what got them where they are today.