Trick Training Enhances the Horse Human Relationship

Trick Training Enhances the Horse Human Relationship

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


Canine agility for horses! It’s called trick training and I’ll be back with how it can be used to create a better,  more dynamic partnership with our equine friends. Sue De Laurentis and her husband Allen Pogue’s company Imagine A Horse has a rich resume of training trick horses for the movies and celebrities.  I recently asked Sue how the average horse owner could benefit by using trick training.
Sue DeLaurentis: “Agility, like canine agility (which was modeled after believe it or not stadium jumping in England), equine agility which is something we train, is part of trick horse training because a lot of the moves such as a circus bow or sitting down on the bean bag, (if you progress that far,) bowing and retrieving things are gymnastic moves that create strength and range of motion in almost every part of a horse’s body. We like to help people achieve the same results with their companion horses that we get at home at our barn.”
When I asked how someone gets started in trick training, Sue replied,
“We have a full range of training DVD’s, that include Training of the Foal, which is enhanced foal training, clear up to the high school moves such has the Spanish Walk and High Leg Walk,  Fourteen very affordable,excellent  DVD’s for all stages of trick horse training available on our website at
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