Fences Can Be A Goof Thing
In today’s world fences are a necessity; as much to keep things out as to keep things in, and are as much a part of the rural landscape as they are the urban landscape. Some of the most controversial disputes going on right now over fencing revolve around the fencing of stream side pastures to help improve water quality. There are many farmers who dig in their heels at the thought of fencing their stream side pastures, but there are many others who have accepted the practice and have already fenced their farms. Claims about manure polluting streams and rivers have been flying back and forth now for quite some time. Surprisingly, what many farmers are finding out though is this plan for fencing stream side pastures has actually worked out to their cattle’s advantage. In fact there’s been a lot of positive feedback from farmers who have gone ahead and fenced their farms. Several have stated that in fact, they feel the cattle are better off when they are not standing in the water, and that another benefit included better grass management. In short, it seems it’s good for the cows, good for the land, and good for the stream.