Bee-A-Thon...Be There!
This coming Saturday you might want to put aside some time to join the Bee-a-thon, a free online event happening worldwide in order to focus attention on the plight of bees. Over the last several years the world’s honey bee population has been disappearing, to such an extent that it has been designated Colony Collapse Disorder. There have been numerous studies trying to understand why this is happening, but scientists are still not sure of the true cause. To try and better understand why bees are dying off citizen observers have been keeping an eye on any bee activity in their gardens and reporting back to The Great Sunflower Project; a California based project that has been helping scientists map pollinators here in the United States. Saturday’s live Bee-a-thon broadcast will have leading experts in bee keeping, education, horticulture, and science. And since it’s an interactive online event you can pose any questions you might have right on the spot. Why not be the first in your neighborhood to have a “backyard bee party”, and get family and friends to join you in the first of many celebrations in honor of bees; those small creatures that provide an essential and nearly priceless pollination service to we humans.