Stop Rewarding Bad Behavior
As more states follow Arizona’s lead and adopt stricter immigration laws, civil rights activists are furious. But why? We are talking illegal immigrants here, not American citizens. Yes, an awareness of human rights needs to be in play here, but demanding United States citizens’ rights for illegal immigrants should not. Claims that such immigration laws are unconstitutional falls flat when considering the intended target of these laws are illegals. Should law enforcement officers be able to check immigration status of individuals they’ve stopped for other law violations, of course. Should businesses be required to check the legal status of workers they hire, by all means. What part of the definition of “illegal” are these activists not getting? Illegals do not have rights under the U.S. Constitution other than human rights. If more of these tough immigration laws were in place, we could take resources currently going to illegal immigrants and apply them to immigrants who have gone the legal route; giving them education, language, and business assistance. Illegal immigration is against the law. We need to stop rewarding and defending it.