No-Match Letters Information

No-Match Letters Information

  No-Match Letter Information. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Are you confused about the no-match letter issue? Dan Fazio, Director of the new Washington Farm Labor Association has some information for employers.

FAZIO: The Social Security Administration has reinstated these forms after a 4-year break and there’s a real turf war between the Social Security Administration and a couple other government agencies on how to complete these forms. The good news for employers is that this turf war between agencies benefits the employers and the no-match letters are really very easy to complete.

Fazio gives us an example.

FAZIO: The no-match form says “Do Not Copy this Form.” So yo fill it out; you mail it back and you don’t copy the form, right? So now another agency, ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement comes along and they say, hey let me see copes of those no-match letters because they may show that the employer did something wrong. Well what do you tell them? You tell them I filled out the form and I sent them back to the Social Security Administration and I didn’t copy them like they said not to copy them.

The Washington Farm Labor Association is holding two webinars next Tuesday and Thursday. For information on the webinars and more visit their website at

FAZIO: In addition we have been working with the Department of Justice and we’ve got some really good advice for employers that I know that they’re going to want to see to make this transition process easy for them.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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