The Intersting Mix Of Blackberrys And Horses
In any horse venue, from roping, reining, to cutting there is one tool no 21st century cowboy is without, and as you will see in this segment of Open Range it proved pretty darn lucrative for one horse trainer from British Columbia. I’m Susan Allen inviting you to stay tuned after the break. In any arena throughout the west whether they are jumping horses or racing barrels you’ll find one common piece of equipment that all of us carry, cell phones. In fact there are actually a bevy of APs designed to use as training tools while you ride and school your horse. But apparently the stars aligned for one Jonathan Field who happened to be bragging about his new Blackberry to a client whose horse he was training. Unbeknownst to the British Columbia cowboy his client worked for the organization that markets Blackberrys and recommended Fields for the smart phones “Do What You Love” campaign. Jonathan was a bit taken when he arrived at a friends ranch the day of the shoot to find a 25 person film crew 40’ revolving camera cranes and trucks that according to Field “bounced alongside of him as he galloped his Hal. When you watch the beautifully filmed spot on either on TV or as I did on youtube you can’t help but miss the commercials underlying theme of the power of the horse to capture not only peoples minds but their dreams. And I thank Blackberry for not only celebrating this unique relationship many of us share with our horses but also stepping up to keep the equine species in films.