More GRAS2P Tips

More GRAS2P Tips

GRAS2P Tips. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Today we give you another GRAS2P tip. GRAS2P stands for Growers Response to Agricultural Safe and Sustainable Practices which is a Washington tree fruit industry grower-based effort for audit readiness, food safety operating procedures, establishment of standards for sustainable practices, traceability from market back to farm, and continued use of good agricultural practices in orchards. This week Lacy Gray looks at farm visitors and inventory control.

GRAY: Visitors to your orchard should sign in upon entering your orchard. Included on the sign-in sheet is a statement that they are visiting a working tree fruit orchard, your policy to have a safe, healthy working environment, and that they are to follow designated hygiene practices. You can have a “VIP” list to cover individuals who regularly visit your orchard site. Also inventory control sheets for your chemical & fertilizer storage facilities need to be updated at least quarterly. Now is a great time to perform an inventory. Templates of both the Inventory Control Sheet and Visitor Log are in your GRAS2P Guidance Manual.

GRAS2P provides sound economic, environmental, and educational solutions to assure and sustain safe, quality for Washington tree fruit production.

For more information on the GRAS2P program, visit their website at That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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