Ranching Could Help Curb Global Warming

Ranching Could Help Curb Global Warming

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


Cattle ranching gets blamed for all kinds of ills from global warming to green house gasses while we’re constantly  being reminded  that  red meat is bad for our health.  Yet when I travel throughout the west’s great range and ranch lands,  full of cattle and wildlife under big “clean” skies I simply don’t  buy that rhetoric. I’m Susan Allen stay tuned for Open Range. I grew in  the suburbs of Portland and watched the land I rode my horses across developed  into subdivisions and strip malls, never be to be returned to hay fields, forests  or filbert orchards, ever!  In the US's  most liberal green city, Portland Or  I never saw or heard of  environmentalist activist dogging developers, in fact I was quite alone as I  watched  with tears in my eyes as the dozers stripped the land down to brown dirt. Looking back  many years latter I still find it odd no one else in my community seemed to care. Yet half a days drive  to the dry side of the state, ranchers are constantly besieged by  lawsuit after lawsuit from urbanite environmental groups with names like Earth First, Save Our Salmon,  the Northwest Environmental Defense Fund etc.. Certainly ranching alters the land, but unlike vacant strip malls it can make it more productive  as evidenced by research from North Dakota State University that found that well managed rotational grazing actually  improves natural grasslands. In fact land that was allowed to rest between grazing increased vegetation 45 percent. It appears environmentalists  are beginning to comprehend  the value of  responsible ranching . The 2010 September issue of Time magazine reported that healthy grasslands are extremely critical  in curbing global warming, of  even more value than forests when you consider that nearly  half of the US is covered in native grass and pastures.  More  information on this subject can be found at Minnesota's Land Stewardship Project, The Savory Institute, North Dakota State Univeristsy Dept of Rangland Resources.

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