GRAS2P Tips. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.?

GRAS2P spelled G-R-A-S-the number 2 and P is a Washington tree fruit industry grower-based effort for audit readiness, food safety operating procedures, establishment of standards for sustainable practices, traceability from market back to farm, and continued use of good agricultural practices in orchards. GRAS2P provides sound economic, environmental, and educational solutions to assure and sustain safe, quality, Washington tree fruit production. We are going to be presenting a GRAS2P “Tip of the Week” – beginning with Pre-Harvest Preparations: Harvest Containers. In preparation for cherry harvest, now is a good time to pre-check bags, lugs, and bins to make sure that they are in good repair as well as free of dirt, debris, etc. Any harvest containers that are being used for other purposes should be marked either for that purpose and/or not for harvest in other words, garbage. It is also good to check that your policies are in place for workers to do these daily container inspections. This is part of Global G.A.P. and USDA GAP.??For more information on GRAS2P visit their website at www.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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