It doesn't take commando style lunch box raids or government overseeing to get kids to eat healthier; it just takes a little creative marketing. Basically, veggie producers decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em; at least as far as attention getting, extreme product campaigns. Think carrots are boring, think again. Farmers have gone high tech and "hip" when it comes to marketing such produce as baby carrots and other salad fare. Just how do you go about turning baby carrots into a "gotta have it" snack food? Simple, you don't try to prove how healthy they are, you show how cool they are. Carrots, cool? Sure, with just a little, okay, maybe a lot of consumer savvy marketing, vegetables have suddenly become the new "junk food"; while quite distinctly not in the nutritional factor, which is good, but in the "sick" way, which is teen talk for delicious. As most parents know, the harder you push the harder your kids push back, creating a standoff. When push comes to shove though the carrot producers' campaign to pitch veggies as cool seems to have just the right amount of edgy attitude and excitement needed to push veggies from the plain old vegetable category to the fun and daring snack food category.