Shutting Down the Lemonade Stand & Halting Hawaiian Garbage

Shutting Down the Lemonade Stand & Halting Hawaiian Garbage

Shutting Down the Lemonade Stand & Halting Hawaiian Garbage. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report. Last week about this time U.S. District Judge Edward Shea issued a temporary restraining order stopping the shipment of garbage from the island of Hawaii to Roosevelt Regional Landfill. Now the city of Honolulu and and a Seattle-based contractor may cancel their agreement to ship the garbage up the Columbia River Gorge. A major concern was the threat of invasive species being introduced to the NW ag community and Michael Lang Conservation Director for Friends of the Gorge said that Judge Shea's TRO was a major victory. LANG: Resources in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic area are protected from any invasive species, the agricultural base of the Columbia Basin is protected and treaty rights for the Yakima Nation are upheld. Honolulu wants to export garbage through 2011 while a trash-to-energy incinerator is expanded. The island has limited landfill space. Multnomah County in Oregon is taking some flack for doing their job, in this case shutting down a kid run lemonade stand. An enterprising 7-year old named Julie had opened her stand at a monthly art fair without first obtaining a $120 temporary restaurant license. It may sound a bit harsh and callous but county inspectors were just doing their jobs when it comes to large gatherings and controlling food safety. Now here's today's Washington Grange Report. (GRANGE) That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.
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