National Employer Immigration Summit

National Employer Immigration Summit

National Employer Immigration Summit. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report. Immigration continues to be a hot topic all across the U.S. Immigration reform, Arizona, H2A it is permeating the landscape. Dan Fazio with Washington Farm Bureau says they are trying to get as much information out to farmers as possible on the topic so they are sponsoring an immigration summit. FAZIO: This is a national conference sponsored by Immigration Works USA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Farm Bureau is a major in-state sponsor and what it is, is it's employers from all groups, from hi-tech, agriculture and we're talking about immigration reform and what it's going to take. The summit is set for August 12 in Seattle. FAZIO: We've got a national scope and we've got a local scope and we've got employers from all walks of life. From agriculture from restaurants from construction from hospitals from computer companies that are all going to be talking about why immigration reform can't wait and why we need it to move the country forward. Fazio says that the ag industry should really be a part of this meeting. FAZIO: It's really important that agricultural employers are well represented and people should be there. The conference is at the Seattle Sheraton. Representative Rick Larson is our kick-off speaker, also have on the agenda Senator Patty Murray and then a lot of the people from DC are going to be coming back and talking about what they see happening in DC. Visit the Washington Farm Bureau website for more information and to register. That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.
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