Fryhover Retirement Pt 2
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. Washington Apple Commission president Todd Fryhover has announced he’ll be retiring as of November 1st.Fryhover says his replacement will get to tackle the many challenges facing the industry in recent years …
FRYHOVER … “And that’s maybe why this is such good timing for me too. It’s time to have somebody with new viewpoints, somebody who comes in from the outside and maybe has a little bit different perspective and maybe some renewed revitalization, you know, to go on out there and test the boundaries and push this thing as far as they can and try and find some solutions for these growers so that they can stay in business.”
But Fryhover says he wouldn’t change anything …
FRYHOVER … “It has been a genuine pleasure working for this industry. I have never had any issues. As long as you work hard and you’re honest and you do what you say you’re going to do the people in this industry will embrace you and they will assist you and they will help you be successful. And if I could do it all over again, I’d do it exactly the same way.”
As for the industry's biggest need at this point …
FRYHOVER … “Well, here’s a big pipe dream, but just eat one more apple please. Every consumer, just eat one more apple. If you do that, we have no issues. We’re all good.”
Fryhover says a team of Apple Commissioners hope to name his replacement by June 1st.
To hear more from Fryhover, check out the May edition of the Bearing Fruit podcast.