In Defense of Holly

In Defense of Holly

When you and I look at a sprig of holly we see a beautiful Christmas symbol and decoration, when certain citizens in the Pacific Northwest look at holly they see a noxious weed, and would like state government to declare it as such. Holly farmers however are screaming foul as this would certainly endanger their livelihood. So why all the uproar over English holly? Reportedly English holly is being found outside of its controlled orchard environment in private yards and along housing development roadways. But does that truly mean holly is an invasive species or does it mean irresponsibility and mismanagement had a hand in the unwelcome spreading of the plant. Many housing developments have been built over old orchards, holly orchards included. If the holly was not removed properly and completely it could return. People also have been known to "acquire" cuttings off plants to use in private settings, then allowing them to go unchecked. Listing holly as a noxious weed is not the answer; that would only result in extensive if not permanent damage to holly growers. How about putting responsibility where it belongs; with housing contractors and developers.
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