The BP oil disaster and all the disturbing pictures seen daily in news reports really brings home the need to free ourselves from our oil addiction. While commuters are biking and walking twenty-five percent more now than they were eight to nine years ago those two modes of transportation are not always practical, and the luxury of living within walking distance of the work place is something most of us can only dream about. So what is the answer? Is it the electric car? Hybrids? Or does curing our nation's future transportation woes depend on developing biofuels? I don't think anyone knows for sure what the correct measure would be. One thing we have come to know, especially in the last several weeks is that short term solutions such as extracting oil from the Rocky Mountain shale, using oil from the reserves, or additional off shore drilling are not the the answer to solving our oil dependency. It will most certainly take years to develop alternate energy sources, and yes, big bucks to implement them. But even more importantly, it will take a genuine effort, desire, and sacrifice on each individuals part to finally choose the right path instead of the easy path.