Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran. On today's program we will be addressing the connection between your Spring allergies and wine.
Do you have mild allergies to all of this blooming going on in the Spring. Recently a woman asked why she couldn't drink red wine during the allergy season and she wondered if it was because of the sulfites. But that's not it. The presence of sulfites in wine confuses most consumers. Legislation requiring wineries to indicate on their wine labels that sulfites are present in wine, seems to be the source of most of that confusion. Sulfites have been around in wine for thousands of years. Sulfites are a natural preservative found in the vineyards and are also produced during the wine fermentation process. They act as an antioxidant. Unfortunately, not enough is produced to keep the wine fresh tasting and stable for very long. So - additional sulfites are put in by virtually all wineries. Individuals who have severe allergic reactions to sulfites usually know it - and know that sulfites are not only in wine but in dried fruits, nuts and vegetables. All of which, may use sulfite as a preservative. Sulfites are probably not what gave you a spring allergy headache, it is likely the histamines in the red wine - that is why I take an anti-histamine during allergy season. I hope this has helped you to understand a little bit about the sulfites in your wine and thanks for joining me on today's Vine to Wine.