Open Range Wrap UP

Open Range Wrap UP

Susan Allen
Susan Allen

Agriculture helps unemployment, What do Burt and Ernie have to do with country kids? Ten trees  that need to be cut down and finally,  the "uber " liberal New York times defines Tea Party backers. I’m Susan Allen it’s Friday time for your  Open Range wrap up. Thanks to the ag sector thousands of blue collar workers from the manufacturing and building industries are going back to work. The labor intensive Tree Fruit Industry has reported an increase of applications and jobs  from other trades for both  field and  warehouse positions.  In WashingtonState alone, ag employment increased twenty- two  percent  with state economists reporting a huge agricultural labor force,  good news for our regions farmer and ranchers. Unlike rural children who still play out doors and connect with plants and animals many  suburban  and urban parents now restrict outdoor play favoring controlled indoor environments they feel are safer.   Psychologists now fear that  preschoolers lack of contact with nature is a critical concern. Enter Sesame Street. To combat  city kid’s disconnect  the popular program reports they will focus on nature this year.  I thought we wanted kids to turn off the TV ? Ten toxic trees that should be removed move from livestock especailly horse pastures this spring:  Yew, Oleander, Red Maple, Cherry Trees , Black Walnut, Black Locust, Horse Chestnut , Buckeye, Oak Trees, and Russian Olives. Finally, the  ultra liberal New York Times just defined the typical tea party supporter as wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, Republican. white male, married and older than 45 with a fierce animosity towards the president. Doesn't sound like anyone I know? How about You? Have a great weekend, get outdoors and remember "The West isn't merely a place but a place in mind." 

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