Well, we saw this one coming. The U.S. postal service is looking at possibly cutting costs by closing nearly seven hundred post offices and trimming mail delivery to five days a week instead of six. With most people now relying on the internet to write letters, do business, and pay bills the U.S. postal service has seen a dramatic decrease in the amount of regular mail being sent resulting in a staggering multi billion dollar loss. Thankfully the post offices that are being regarded for closure are in urban areas where customers usually don't have far to go to find another one, unlike rural areas where persons may have to travel several miles to reach their nearest post office. When asked how they felt about cutting Saturday mail delivery most people responded that they had no problem with it, but that the suggested Monday, Wednesday, and Friday delivery only to residences was not something they were comfortable with. Sadly, like its predecessor the Pony Express, the U.S. postal service may soon find itself simply put out of business due to "technological innovation".