Vague & Impractical Initiative

Vague & Impractical Initiative

California voters have managed to get their you know what in a ringer by passing Proposition 2 last November. I don’t think it was their intent to try and put all egg producers out of business any more than it was to make it impossible for consumers in their state to have inexpensive shelled eggs, but as the song goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. California egg producers are working to establish an objective standard for a cage that will meet the requirements of this vague and impractical initiative. Problem is, the Humane Society of the United States who played a major role in getting Proposition 2 passed in California has no intention of backing any proposed caging system; cage free is the only system they will agree to. Producers are not evil doers set on torturing the animals they farm, anymore than the HSUS are angels in disguise with only animal welfare on their minds; their agenda goes far deeper than mere animal welfare reform. Tragically, the political agenda of the HSUS will continue to bog down our legal system and could result in forcing our nation’s food producers out of business.

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