Farmer & Rancher Bashing

Farmer & Rancher Bashing

With all the farmer and rancher bashing that’s been going on lately one could easily be led to believe that farmers and ranchers are the equivalent to the “hole in the wall gang”. Nothing could be further from the truth. But those doing the bashing are generally politically driven and misinformed. Consider the “dirt”umentary film “Food Inc.” which besides being obviously one sided champions Wal-Mart of all things and lumps all food production under a blanket of mistruths about the U.S. agriculture business. American consumers are fortunate to be blessed with the most affordable, abundant, and yes one of the safest food supplies in the world. And yet farmers and ranchers are earning the lowest income since the Great Depression. Contrary to popular opinion, America’s farmers are not living high on the hog while the rest of us suffer with the struggling economy. They are however continuing to do a thankless job while trying to make ends meet and take care of their own families. Let’s finally give some thanks and credit where credit is due, and I’m not talking about Wal-Mart!

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