Cherry Export Issue
Cherry Export Issue. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.
Cherries are ripening quickly across the NW and it will soon be harvest time. Many of those cherries will be destined for export but unless they can be quickly cleared at airports, they could be ruined. At issue are inspections at airports where TSA officials need a quick way to scan the fruit. Last week, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire was in
GREGOIRE: We talked to folks from Homeland Security and Secretary Napolitano and we impressed upon them that time is essential because our cherries are known worldwide for their quality and the reason that quality is what it is, is because it goes from harvest to the hands of the consumer anywhere on the globe within an very short period of time.
Gregoire again noted that any delays in moving the cherries through would have dire effects on the quality of the fruit.
GREGOIRE: They want to work with us, they’re trying. We impressed with them we need technology that this is not a task that can readily be done by humans because it will take too much time, that technology is the answer. They made it clear to us they are working with the airlines and they want to partner with us and make sure that this is done well and done right. 50% will be done this year and 100% done next year.
Many groups from the northwest have been working with
That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.