Horse Racing and the NFL

Horse Racing and the NFL

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


A running back and a race horse have more in common than speed and that’s one reason the National Football League is investing heavily in equine research. I’m Jeff Keane and I will be back right after a quick  break to clue  you in. In past programs we have talked about common medical conditions both   horses and humans share, like asthma.  This is precisely why  the National Football League charities and other big donors have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to equine research now  being conducted at a new Colorado State University facility. Here’s Susan Allen with the story, Whether it’s the Belmont Stakes  or the Super Bowl the joint injuries horses and humans suffer competing in these venues are  basically the same.  So researchers of   both species are now combining forces ,  but Jeff it’s not  only just  CSU  but Cornell, Ohio and Michigan State as well that are working  to develop innovative treatments. At CSU for example scientists discovered that they can successfully use gene therapy to make arthritic horses  sound, this is an  amazing breakthrough considering this gene therapy not only reduced inflammation but halted  the development of osteoarthritis. Imagine for a moment the  ramifications for thousands of arthritis suffers. Other on going   studies include the affects of early exercise on the joints of foals and children, conditioning,  including  how far to stress cells and, if tendon injuries are age related.  All great information again reaffirming that the horse’s ability to help mankind didn’t stop with the invention of the automobile.  I’m Jeff Keane. 
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