Hemp Production

Hemp Production

To grow hemp or not to grow hemp, that seems to be the question up before many state legislatures once again. As most people know, hemp fibers are used to make any number of useful items, including rope, cloth, and paper products; the full list of hemp related products is too lengthy to mention here. And as most people also know, hemp’s closely related cousin is the notorious and illegal marijuana plant. In reality hemp has only a minute fraction of the intoxicating substance found in marijuana and was considered a legal crop until 1937. Many of our nation’s founding fathers were hemp growers. The antiquated ban on hemp cultivation needs to be reevaluated. Hemp offers every indication of being a very lucrative and marketable crop. It does however need to be closely monitored and controlled due to its tendency towards rapid and aggressive growth. Hemp naysayers need to be aware that industrial hemp is the non-psychoactive variety of the cannabis plant. Contrary to popular misconception, hemp is absolutely useless as a recreational drug.

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