Food & Wine

Food & Wine

Welcome to Vine to Wine, this is your host Linda Moran. Today is food and wine pairing day and I am so over winter but it just doesn’t seem to want to go away. So my husband I took off for Mexico a couple of weeks ago. Zihuatanejo, or Zihua as the natives call it. I found a few great food and wine combinations that I would like to share.

Okay so when traveling in Mexico I normally give up wine for tequila. But on this trip it seemed as though more of the restaurants were taking better care of the wine by storing it in temperature controlled environments. Zihua is a fishing town and the seafood was excellent. I ate so many shrimp I should have turned into one. And although I think of Mexico as the place where they deep fry everything I was happy to find it was not the case in Zihua. At one restaurant we had chili rellenos full of shrimp and cheese and they were fabulous with  Sauvignon Blanc from Argentina. Another great combination was a seafood and avocado salad with a chili lime dressing and a crispy little Riesling, oh my! When it came to red wines Chile was the winner when accompanying my grilled mahi mahi and roasted chilis. Of course the guacamole came in many different forms and I sonn realized that if it contained onions have it with beer, if it did not then it was great with red or white wine. I never noticed that at home.  So give Mexican food and wine another try! Remember to send your wine questions to Linda at vine to wine dot net and thank you for joining me on today’s

Vine to Wine.

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