

Welcome to Vine to Wine, this is your host Linda Moran. Today is food and wine pairing day. I cannot believe I am about to say this. I mean I always thought the way we season food or the method it is cooked, was what most contributed to what wine it works best with. Now, I find no matter how I prepare it, I am struggling to find a wine to pair with cauliflower.

Cauliflower is challenging my food and wine sensibilities. Yes it’s true, I have creamed it, made it into soup, baked it and pureed it. No matter how I season it, it doesn’t seem to change the fact that it only pairs marginally well with the wine being served at the meal. The only wine that seemed to be half way interesting when it accompanied cauliflower was a dry sparkling wine. However, it was not actually great, just interesting. It has lead me to wonder if I have to make this vegetable unrecognizable, like that weird thing when they make a dessert from Ritz crackers and it tastes like apple pie. But how do you do that with cauliflower? So I am reaching out to you the Vine to Wine listener. Give me your favorite recipe for cauliflower and I will do my best to find a wine to go with it. Better yet if you have a wine that you enjoy with it that is what I really need to know. Send your recipes and suggestions for my dilemma with cauliflower to linda at vine to wine dot net and thank you for joining me on today’s Vine to Wine.


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