Farm Fuel Pt 2
With today's Fruit Grower Report, I'm Bob Larson. Yesterday, we talked about the 'hot' organic alternative to chemical fertilizers in mustard seed meal. Farm Fuel Inc. has seen impressive research that has shown improved yields and residual soil benefits.Field Consultant Taylor Hoover says mustard seed meal could potentially replace several common fumigants, but methyl bromide is most common ...
HOOVER ... "In Washington, they still have restriction on it, but it's not as restricted as in California. So, it's assumed that in a very short time methyl bromide, which is very harmful to the environment and to the ozone, will be completely restricted all the way throughout the United States probably the world. So, we'll be looking for different alternatives that can basically accomplish the same things in the soil."
Hoover says mustard seed acceptance dispels some of the misconceptions many have about farmers ...
HOOVER ... "I don't think anyone really wants to dump chemicals into the ground. It's a convenience and it's an ease that we've grown accustom to, but we're right on the verge of a change where we need to start being better stewards of the land and promote healthy soil and a more sustainable way of growing agriculture."
He says farmers eat this food too ...
HOOVER ... "Everybody's got to eat and with less and less farm land and less farmers and more restrictions, it's becoming more difficult for growers to accomplish feeding the world. So, it's these organic alternatives that are really going to promote and allow that to happen."
To learn more about Mustard Seed Meal research in orchards and berry fields, go to for contact information.