My family just returned from a quick trip back to the Midwest for a wedding slash semi-family reunion. We have lived here in the Pacific Northwest for twenty years and have become accustomed to the surrounding areas' styles, and geographical landscape, so its always a refreshing and entertaining treat to experience the different and yet oh so familiar vistas of our not so distant past. One of the few things I do find enjoyable about airplane travel is the chance to observe agriculture from a bird's eye view. The beauty of circular and patchwork crop patterns from several thousand feet up is breathtaking and the winding dirt roads amongst the farms dotting the landscape stirs up imaginings of the rural small town life I grew up with. My two year old grandson was excited with the opportunity to see Belted Galloways, or as he calls them "oreo" cows; animals he hasn't had the chance to see around our stomping ground. We were even lucky enough to see an old steam engine tractor, something I had never seen before either. Combine all this with the joy of seeing old and new family alike and a quick cross country trip turns into memories to last a life time.