Unveiling the 2015 Fresh Editorial Campaign
The United States Potato Board launched its 2015 “Fresh Editorial” adverting and media plan late last fall. The new campaign’s focus is to update the potato’s image by celebrating what people love most about them. USPB Global Consumer Marketing Manager Meredith Myers shares moreMyers: “The overall goal of the new campaign is to build an emotional connection with the benefits of potatoes and their positive impact on our target audience’s lifestyle.We’re partnering with bloggers now and we are letting them tell their story because we know that it is really important at this point for our target audience to feel a closer connection to the products they are choosing — that they are reading about whether in ads or online.”
Myers shares what has been learned from traffic to the consumer-focused website — potatogoodness.com
Myers: “Our ads are in print but the consumers who are coming to us from those print ads — they either go on to our recipe search or they go on to our search bar — and the top search terms consistently for the last three months have been for the titles of the recipes that have been featured in these ads. That is a definite indication that these magazine ads are working to drive traffic. They are motivating people to download the recipes — so that is great news.”