Search: sow
14 Results
14 Results
The Agribusiness Update
Smithfield Foods employee says company plans to close 37 sow farms, and House and Senate members address USDA's shortage of Technical Service Providers.
The Agribusiness Update
Smithfield Foods employee says company plans to close 37 sow farms, and House and Senate members address USDA's shortage of Technical Service Providers.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley shares his thoughts on the Supreme Court potentially taking up California's Prop 12 in the new year.
Farm of the Future
Last week Blackleg was confirmed in Northern Idaho canola fields. Infestations have ranged from 1% of the plants to 30-40% of the plants.
Farm of the Future
Canola acres across the Pacific Northwest continue to increase each year.
Farm of the Future
Today we will visit with Washington State University Extension and Outreach Specialist Karen Sowers. I asked about the advantages of growing canola in the Pacific Northwest.
Food Forethought
It's inevitable that food prices are going to continue on an upward climb.
Food Forethought
This year pork producers have seen some of the toughest market conditions in years.
Northwest Report
Another major retailer is asking suppliers to not use gestation stalls and powering the navy with green fuel has it's own problems.
Northwest Report
The House is taking on the farm bill...Oscar Meyer is bowing to pressure regarding sow stalls...and Lacy discusses small housing.
Food Forethought
It isn't easy standing up to pressure by the Humane Society of the United States, but it can be done.
Food Forethought
Increased regulations on animal welfare could come with a high price tag.
Food Forethought
Leadership to conduct an inclusive study over the next year of current sow housing options.
Food Forethought
The HSUS continues to put pressure on companies to support their erroneous beliefs about what is best for animals.