Search: resilience
18 Results
18 Results
California Ag Today
The conservation priorities of focus are numerous but could include carbon sequestration and increased food system resiliency,
Farm of the Future
Only 3% of farmers are taking advantage of carbon programs - likely because the value proposition just isn’t there.
The Agribusiness Update
GDA and USDA offer $7.1 million competitive grant funding to build resilience across supply chain, and U.S. sugar exports for fiscal year 2024 are forecast to be the largest they’ve been in six years.
The Agribusiness Update
The February World Agricultural Supply and Demand
Estimates shows the 2023-24 U.S. corn outlook calling for lower food, seed, and industrial use and larger ending stocks, and U.S. pork exports set a value record in 2023.
Read MoreThe Agribusiness Update
California ranchers who see wolves attacking their cattle can only watch, unlike other states, and USDA’s Economic Research Service says food-at-home prices increased by 5% in 2023.
The Agribusiness Update
California ranchers who see wolves attacking their cattle can only watch, unlike other states, and USDA’s Economic Research Service says food-at-home prices increased by 5% in 2023.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr has joined the call for meaningful explanations of the Adverse Effect Wage Rate and to hold off on scheduled increases, and USDA’s Economic Research Service says food-at-home prices increased by 5% in 2023.
The Agribusiness Update
The USDA says they're still accepting 2022 Census of Agriculture questionnaires, and gas prices drop for second straight week.
The Agribusiness Update
The 2022 Census of Agriculture is underway and due February 6th, and gas and diesel prices drop for the third straight week.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Colin Woodall, NCBA CEO, responds to the National Security Memorandum to Strengthen the Security and Resilience of U.S. Food and Agriculture.
Southeast Regional Ag News
We talk with John Walt Boatright, Director of National Affairs for FFBF.
Fruit Grower Report
Air purifiers have been donated for Yakima Valley farmworker housing by the Washington State Tree Fruit Association.
Fruit Grower Report
Air purifiers have been donated for Yakima Valley farmworker housing by the Washington State Tree Fruit Association.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. drivers have logged 30 billion miles on the road using E15 fuel, and House Ag Committee Republican Leader Glenn Thompson calls framework for addressing nation's crippled food supply chain "tone deaf."
California Ag Today
Researchers at UC Davis are trying to understand how to breed more drought-resilient crops.
California Ag Today
Siobhan Brady and a team of researchers at UC Davis have been working on creating a molecular atlas of tomato roots.
California Ag Today
In a volatile year for most agricultural commodities, dairy is no exception.
California Ag Today
The California Cattle Council, in conjunction with the California Cattlemen’s Association, launched a Resilience 2020 Campaign.