Search: planning
68 Results
68 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Students in Snake River High School teacher Mimi Argyle’s Agriculture 104 course witnessed the real-world applications of lessons they’re learning in class.
Fruit Grower Report
If you’re at that stage where it’s time plan out how to pass on your farm or ranch to the next generation, Tina Lovejoy, Founder of Frameworks Facilitation, who helps families through the succession planning process says some are looking for the “perfect” plan.
Fruit Grower Report
If you’re at that stage where it’s time plan out how to pass on your farm or ranch to the next generation, Tina Lovejoy, Founder of Frameworks Facilitation, who helps families through the succession planning process says some are looking for the “perfect” plan.
Idaho Ag Today
The J.R. Simplot Family Foundation has made a significant gift to establish University of Idaho’s first endowed deanship.
Southeast Regional Ag News
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expires next year, and that’s raising big challenges for farmers and ranchers, according to National Cattlemen’s President Mark Eisele.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Tim Cobb, the Owner and President of Spokane-based Farmland Company, says there are different types of farm transitions and succession planning.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Tim Cobb, the Owner and President of Spokane-based Farmland Company, says there are different types of farm transitions and succession planning.
California Ag Today
The “Transitioning Land to a New Generation: Land Transfer Training” curriculum helps to face a pressing need as almost 300 million acres of American agricultural lands are expected to change hands in the coming decades.
The Agribusiness Update
University of Georgia and Fort Valley State Extensions are offering a free estate planning workshop on August 22 to educate Georgia landowners, and the U.S. dairy industry has evolved during the past 20 years, with fewer dairy farms producing more milk.
Fruit Grower Report
Jeff DeWald, Managing Member of Agribusiness Succession Advisors, talks about the biggest mistakes he sees when it comes to succession planning.
Fruit Grower Report
Jeff DeWald, Managing Member of Agribusiness Succession Advisors, talks about the biggest mistakes he sees when it comes to succession planning.
California Tree Nut Report
Southeast Regional Ag News
Jolene Brown, agricultural estate planning extraordinaire, gives tips on the process of transitioning your farm.
Farm of the Future
More millennials would be enticed to continue the family farm if there was a clear estate plan in place.
Fruit Grower Report
What are your plans for the family farm when it comes time to hang it up? If you’re a Baby Boomer, like so many farmers today, that day is coming much faster than we’d like. Jeff DeWald, Managing Member of Agribusiness Succession Advisors, explains.
Fruit Grower Report
What are your plans for the family farm when it comes time to hang it up? If you’re a Baby Boomer, like so many farmers today, that day is coming much faster than we’d like. Jeff DeWald, Managing Member of Agribusiness Succession Advisors, explains.
Line on Agriculture
National Farmers Union education coordinator, Lisa Buckner explains the Beginning Farmer Program.
Fruit Grower Report
It's still a few months away, but it’s not too early to start planning to attend the Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s Annual Meeting and Hort Show.
Fruit Grower Report
It's still a few months away, but it’s not too early to start planning to attend the Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s Annual Meeting and Hort Show.