Search: kuwahara
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8 Results
Farm of the Future
Two key activities of the United States Potato Board's International Ingredient Program are research and trade education.
Farm of the Future
When educating private aid organizations as well as government employees how to use dehydrated potatoes granules and flakes, the hands on teaching approach has netted positive results for the United States Potato Board.
Farm of the Future
Showcasing U.S. dehydrated potato products that are perfect for food programming was the goal of a recent United States Potato Board sponsored International Food Assistance Initiative Workshop.
Farm of the Future
Well, around many American dining room tables tomorrow at Thanksgiving dinner, mashed potatoes will play an important and traditional role.
Farm of the Future
Last Week USDA announced the purchase of 240 metric tons of dehydrated potato granules and 320 MT of dehydrated potato flakes under the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program.
Farm of the Future
A new focus on expanding marketing channels for U.S. dehydrated potatoes in Thailand has netted new customers and new recipes.
Farm of the Future
TK Kuwahara, United States Potato Board International Marketing Manager for the Dehydrated Potato Program, shares the USPB has been actively marketing U.S. dehy potatoes in The Philippines since 1999.
Farm of the Future
With nearly a billion food-insecure people on the planet, there is a definite need for Food Aid organizations to find nutritious, convenient, cost-effective and nonperishable food products.