Search: finish
19 Results
19 Results
The Agribusiness Update
John Deere finished the year stronger than expected after aggressively cutting production and seeing solid demand for new tractors and precision ag technology, and Jamieson Greer is President-elect Trump’s nominee for U.S. Trade Rep.
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers relying on water supplies from the federal Klamath Water Project say they’re trying to finish harvest before their water supply is cut off, and EPA rejects two petitions from environmental groups calling for stronger CAFO regulations.
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers relying on water supplies from the federal Klamath Water Project say they’re trying to finish harvest before their water supply is cut off, and EPA rejects two petitions from environmental groups calling for stronger CAFO regulations.
The Agribusiness Update
New California laws are expected to impact farm operations and exports, and Association of Equipment Manufacturers reports 2022 closes out with healthy combine sales.
The Agribusiness Update
National Peanut Board President Bob Parker announces he will retire at the end of 2023, and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers report combine harvester sales finish 2022 with healthy sales.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Farm Bureau Government Relations Director, Tom Davis breaks down the good and bad for agriculture in the just finished legislative session in Olympia.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Farm Bureau Government Relations Director, Tom Davis breaks down the good and bad for agriculture in the just finished legislative session in Olympia.
The Agribusiness Update
California avocado harvest is wrapping up and appears to be meeting crop projections, and OSHA releases exemptions to the mandatory COVID vaccine mandate for private employers.
Fruit Grower Report
Northwest Cherry Growers president BJ Thurlby talks about this year's harvest in a very strange year.
Fruit Grower Report
Northwest Cherry Growers president BJ Thurlby talks about this year's harvest in a very strange year.
Fruit Grower Report
Northwest Cherry Growers president BJ Thurlby talks about this year's harvest in a very strange year.
The Agribusiness Update
Signups begin for the new Dairy Margin Coverage program, and Pear Bureau Northwest elects new officers.
Fruit Grower Report
Northwest growers are all too aware of the importance of getting a trade deal with China done, sooner than later.
Fruit Grower Report
Valent USA and Pace International work together to help tree fruit industry with "Bud to Box" program.
Fruit Grower Report
Valent USA and Pace International work together to help tree fruit industry with "Bud to Box" program.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Sunnyside Representative Dan Newhouse is optimistic about finishing the 2018 Farm Bill on time.
Vine to Wine
Since harvest is about to begin and many of you enjoy visiting wine country during that time, I thought we'd continue to refresh our memory for wine tasting terms and descriptions.