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130 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) voted to approve 11 new groundwater-to- surface water irrigation conversion projects for $13.3 million.
Idaho Ag Today
University of Idaho Extension has published a new bulletin to help potato farmers recognize the symptoms of bacterial rot and protect their operations.
Idaho Ag Today
IDWR Director finds shortfall in 2024 end-of-season Methodology Order
The Agribusiness Update
State and federal agencies face a challenge to balance the beneficial uses of water needed by farmers with needs of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ecosystem amid weather challenges, and bipartisan support for U.S. sugar policy and the International Sweetener Symposium in Seattle.
The Agribusiness Update
The stakes are high for a new farm bill, and time is running out, and Alexis Taylor, USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Ag Affairs leads 24 agribusinesses and organizations on a trade mission to Colombia.
The Agribusiness Update
The stakes are high for a new farm bill, and time is running out, and Alexis Taylor, USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Ag Affairs leads 24 agribusinesses and organizations on a trade mission to Colombia.
The Agribusiness Update
More than 70% of large-scale, commercial solar development in rural areas occurred on agricultural land, and Federal officials say H5N1 outbreaks in dairy cattle can be eliminated.
The Agribusiness Update
More than 70% of large-scale, commercial solar development in rural areas occurred on agricultural land, and Federal officials say H5N1 outbreaks in dairy cattle can be eliminated.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Each year, members of Congress take time in August to return to their home districts and hear directly from constituents.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse is slamming the early release of the final package of actions and commitments in the Columbia River System Operations mediation.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse is slamming the early release of the final package of actions and commitments in the Columbia River System Operations mediation.
The Agribusiness Update
California has seen dramatic increases in reservoir levels and surface-water supplies thanks to an El Niño, and rural and agricultural groups write Congress in support of passing the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act.
The Agribusiness Update
California farmers will soon face fewer obstacles getting approved to use drones for aerial applications thanks to a new law that modernizes the certification process, and unit sales of four-wheel-drive ag tractors experienced a notable upswing, closing the third quarter in a strong position.
The Agribusiness Update
Grape growers, facing a January, 2025, deadline to end agricultural burning, say they’re having difficulty getting burn permits, and 16 members of the House of Representatives pushed back against the EATS Act.
The Agribusiness Update
Canada requests talks with Mexico over biotech corn import ban, and Helios Articial Intelligence launches open beta of platform to identify ag supply chain disruptions.
California Ag Today
Western producers face a heavy burden this fall as they consider the weight of fuel prices, supply chain issues, inflation, drought, and so much more.
California Tree Nut Report