Search: difference
24 Results
24 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives President and CEO, says with the new year and new Congress coming, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be able to get a new Farm Bill done sooner than later.
Idaho Ag Today
Matt Gellings broke both of his legs and couldn’t walk for six months after he crashed his snowmobile into a snow-covered stump in January of 2016.
Fruit Grower Report
Dave Mitchell, Founder and President of the Leadership Difference, base in Walla Walla, says you can’t be afraid to talk and listen to each and every employee.
Fruit Grower Report
Dave Mitchell, Founder and President of the Leadership Difference, base in Walla Walla, says you can’t be afraid to talk and listen to each and every employee.
Fruit Grower Report
Maintaining your workforce? Dave Mitchell, Founder and President of the Leadership Difference, base in Walla Walla, says you can’t be afraid to talk and listen to each and every employee.
Fruit Grower Report
Maintaining your workforce? Dave Mitchell, Founder and President of the Leadership Difference, base in Walla Walla, says you can’t be afraid to talk and listen to each and every employee.
Fruit Grower Report
Talking and listening to the workers on your farm could make a huge difference in productivity, according to the Leadership Difference founder Dave Mitchell.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The American Farm Bureau Federation's Lisa Wherry reminds us that May is Mental Health Awareness Month and that we should reach out to our neighbors.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Helping reduce worker turnover and building morale on your farm is what the Leadership Difference is all about, according to Founder and President Dave Mitchell.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Helping reduce worker turnover and building morale on your farm is what the Leadership Difference is all about, according to Founder and President Dave Mitchell.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The price difference between diesel and gas has many scratching their heads, and AFBF Senior Economist Veronica Nigh says it's as simple as supply and demand.
The Agribusiness Update
A big push is going on by California farm and water district groups to get Fresno Democrat Jim Costa appointed House Ag Chair, and two-fold difference found in economic costs between smallest and largest dairies.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia Representative David Scott is seeking House Ag Committee Chairman post, and USDA data shows two-fold difference in economic cost of producing milk between largest and smallest dairies.
The Agribusiness Update
Clear up difference between yams and sweet potatoes, and J.R. Simplot acquires Pinnacle Agriculture.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Big merger changes ag landscape and what BASF has to offer.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Big merger changes landscape and what BASF has to offer.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
BASF vice president Scott Kay talks about what acquisition of Bayer assets means for his company moving forward.
The Agribusiness Update
Eleventh-hour deal brings meeting of the minds for U.S.-Canada trade deal, and FDA moving forward with possible changes to prevent plant-based products from using dairy names.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The latest Walla Walla Sweet Onion is the Rosé Sweet.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse says Farm Bill is still on schedule, but far from a done deal.